Greetings! I run across something I can't figure out. I have a form in which a users checks a box and then in the field next to it enters a date. There are many of these fields on the form. I have a field at the bottom of the form where the user enters their name, but I don't want them to be able to use this field in a case where they've checked a box but didn't enter a date. Any advice? There's a total of about 50 check & date boxes on this form. Thanks!
- You can use a validation script that rejects the values if a check-box is filled in but there's no date (it can also alert the user to the problem and even move the focus to the empty field). This will be the validation script of the Name field.
- You can make the name field disabled, and only enable it when a date has been filled in. The disadvantage here is that you'll need to add this script to each of the date text fields (and possibly the check-boxes as well).
- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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