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In Word to make Run form Field Recognition

Registered: Apr 16 2008
Posts: 79


What in Word can I do beside Underscore to make fields acrobat Run form Field Recognition will pick up on? I noticed tables will work but I have to type in at least one cell to get the rest of the cells to pick up. I was trying to keep for the black lines from showing and turned the lines white but the Run form Field Recognition will not pick up white link. I tired making box but the box is not being found by acrobat. I know I must be doing something wrong. I test word template from MS web site and they work but mine are not.

I searched online for tutors and the books I bought only tell about Enable advance tagging which I done.

In help or suggested tutors or books would be very much appreciated.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
To make forms on the fly from Word, I use OpenOfficeOrg to add form fields to the Word document and then 'Export as PDF' and set the options to export PDF data. I have found that the export recgnizes check boxes, radio buttons, drop down list, and text fields.

George Kaiser

Registered: Apr 16 2008
Posts: 79
gkaiseril wrote:
To make forms on the fly from Word, I use OpenOfficeOrg to add form fields to the Word document and then 'Export as PDF' and set the options to export PDF data. I have found that the export recgnizes check boxes, radio buttons, drop down list, and text fields.
Thank you very much. I found it online and going to download and test it now.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
To get auto form field recognition to work, you need to create a tagged PDF file from MS Word and for check boxes and radio buttons you need to size them large enough for Acrobat to detect them. Also Combo boxes or list boxes will not be detected.

George Kaiser

Registered: Apr 16 2008
Posts: 79
gkaiseril wrote:
To get auto form field recognition to work, you need to create a tagged PDF file from MS Word and for check boxes and radio buttons you need to size them large enough for Acrobat to detect them. Also Combo boxes or list boxes will not be detected.
>>>you need to create a tagged PDF file from MS Word<<<How do you do that? I played with the program some and it much easier than word but I still need to learn how to tagged stuff other like boxes, I can only get underscore lines to pick up.

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Something to try.
With MS Word open, access the PDFMaker configuration dialog.
Look for "Enable Accessibility And Reflow With Tagged Adobe PDF"
(available with Acrobat 9 Pro & Extended - not sure about Standard)
If available, select it.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Apr 16 2008
Posts: 79
daka630 wrote:
Something to try.
With MS Word open, access the PDFMaker configuration dialog.
Look for "Enable Accessibility And Reflow With Tagged Adobe PDF"
(available with Acrobat 9 Pro & Extended - not sure about Standard)
If available, select it.

Be well...
I have pro 8. Since I have word 2003, I did not see any reason to update acrobat till I updated word also.

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Acrobat Pro 8 and 3D provide the same feature in the PDFMaker for MS Word.
Ditto Acrobat Pro 7.

[i]If[/i] the output PDF from MS Word (Office 2000 through all releases up to and including 2007)
must be tagged output PDF
then you must use the aforementioned configuration option.

Be well...

Be well...