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Acrobat 9 and LiveCycle 8ES question re: Autodetecting fields

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111

I'm in the processing in testing the trial version of Adobe Acrobat 9 Extended and LiveCycle Designer 8ES. I often created our company forms in MS Word 2007 and imported the PDF to Acrobat 8 Pro. I would then click Forms and continue the process that allowed me to edit the PDF into LiveCycle and automatically detect new fields, etc.

Now with Acrobat 9 Pro Extended I no longer see that option. It wants to use it's own Form Wizzard. Even if I load the fieldless pdf form in LiveCycle it doesn't give me the option or prompt to have it automatically detect fields.

For those that are using this new version has something changed since ver 8? If so, what are the procedures in the new version of LiveCycle to automatically detect fields.

Thank you for your time.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Tech264,

Form Field Recognition (or automatically creating form fields) is a function in Acrobat, not LiveCycle Designer. So the process ( in 9 too) is to convert the Office doc to PDF, run FFR in Acrobat, save, then open it in LiveCycle Designer. I don't think Form Field Recognition has ever been a feature of any version of LiveCycle Designer.

In previous versions ( pre-9) when you chose "Create a NEW form" in Acrobat, the LiveCycle Designer program would automatically launch- pushing you down the path of using LCD forms over the older, traditional AcroForms. In Acrobat 9 this has changed, and now you have the the Forms Edit Mode and Forms Wizard- both of these tools are for creating traditional AcroForms, not LiveCycle Designer Forms. This has made creating AcroForms much easier (and better) but I guess also a bit confusing for people used to the workflow in version 8.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions