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Add a Comment to a Text Field

Registered: Jul 2 2010
Posts: 26


I was wondering if there was a way, similar to the option in Excel to add a comment to a particular cell so that when one hovered over the cell, a small box with additional text would appear.

Also, I was curious to see if there is a button that could be made to show all comments or disable all comments.

Example, a user who has a question with filling out a form clicks the "help" button. Automatically, all the notes pointing to the cells appear on the screen without the need of hovering over them. Once he is done he can click that button again and he can resume filling out the form.

I am currently running LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2



My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
What you're looking for is a toolTip or QuickInfo.
You can find it in the accessibilty pallette.

But I don't think you can show them all together.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs