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add a new table and header ID not inscrease the number

Registered: Sep 10 2008
Posts: 16

Hi all
When I click add button, it just copy the existing table to a new table. I wouldl like to inscrease the Identification number when I select add a new table.
for example
( the default ID number is 1 - column 2
ID number is 2 - column 3
When I select add button to add a new table the ID in the column 2 is 3; and the
column 3 is 4; and so on.
I had worked many days but It is unsuccessful. Please help.
thanks in advance.
Here is the link. It is easy for you to review what I have done.*CGIpzpLVS9hQ

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Accepted Answer

use this script for the first column:
Concat("LOCATION ", 1 + (2 * this.parent.parent.index))
and this for the second:
Concat("LOCATION ", 2 + (2 * this.parent.parent.index)) 

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Sep 10 2008
Posts: 16
Thank you very much. That is the correct answer.
