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adding lines after heading

Registered: Feb 29 2008
Posts: 9


i m using adobe live cycle designer ES 8.1

i have problem with adding rows after heading on new page.... i m getting so tired with this problem.... :( :( can you please help me with this....???

i have created scripting of adding rows.. when row add's at the ending of the page new page generated with heading... but when i click on add row button row adds on the heading.....

i want when i click on add row button new row add's after the heading...



My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 92

I'm not quite sure I understand exactly how you've defined your table but you should make sure that the row you're adding instances of is placed after the heading row in your table. Otherwise, rows will always be added before the heading.

You could also try turning off the "include header row in subsequent pages" option in the "Object palette > Pagination tab" (when you've selected the header row). That might solve the problem as well.

Stefan Cameron obtained his bachelor's degree with Honors in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa and is a Computer Scientist working on Adobe's LiveCycle server products, in particular on LiveCycle Designer ES for the past 5 years.

Registered: Feb 29 2008
Posts: 9
thanks for your suggestion sir....

but i think there no use of this thing in my document.... coz all option in "Object palette > Pagination tab" are unavailable....i think this document condition is different.... here i make scripting for pop up window in add row button for adding lines where i want in document or on any page... this scripting is in "movie data" option and whole document is run on this movie data option.... for example

when i make scripting for add row button it show by this way in script editor
movieData.ShowMoreBtn[0]::click - (JavaScript, client)

if (_movie.count > 0)
this type of scripting is new for me... and i m not understanding how i will solve this problem...... i have added that heading contents on master page... coz i need all that heading repeats when new page add automatically.... but when page add's with heading row which i add on new page comes on heading....

thanks again for your valuable help....
