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Adobe LiveCycle sum() Issues

Registered: Jan 14 2008
Posts: 2

I am having the same issues as user nmara. I created a form in LiveCycle Designer 8.1 I have added quotation marks to the sum() script, and now the error is gone. However the sum just stays at $0.00. I also need to figure out why the sum isn't changing. All the fields are numeric and the total field is set to calculate.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 17 2005
Posts: 14
Can you send me a copy of the form to check?

thuff [at] adobe [dot] com

Tim Huff
North American TAM Manager
[link=] My Blog - I didn't know Acrobat could do that! [/link]

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
Does your script contain a round script after the sum script?

I find this script appears to work well set up like this...

No round.


round off decimal and replace with whole #

Sum(Round(ValMake1+BillMake1, "abc"))

The abc tells it to remove the decimal by rounding..
you can replace it with a number and it will go to
that specific number.

Hope that helps.