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Any way to give a form and its dataset different master pages?

Registered: Aug 11 2008
Posts: 2

I really doubt this is possible but I am going to ask it anyways. The problem is that our Documentation guy wants doc part numbers on everything... which is fair enough and so I have put the doc part number on the master page of the form that I am creating. However, he is very new to this concept of Adobe Live, so now that I am trying to release a form and its associated data file, he wants them to have different doc numbers. That would require me to edit their master pages seperately. As far as I can tell this is impossible but I was hoping that someone here might have a suggestion.

BTW, I am 100% self-taught in this software so don't hesitate to point out any glaringly stupid things.

Registered: Jun 27 2008
Posts: 39

If the blank form would have one doc number and filled one have another, would it be ok? I don't see other way to view dataset as a document except to view it as a filled form.

Regards, Andrey.