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Appearence problem

Registered: Feb 5 2009
Posts: 21

When I drag a table from the data view pallete & drop it into my form I can able to see
the header row & body fields.But when do preview pdf that table is not appearing.
Please can any one tell me the reason? How to solve that problem?

Registered: Mar 24 2009
Posts: 49
Could you show your form (for example put it in some server to download?)
Registered: Feb 5 2009
Posts: 21
Thanks garath for your qicker reply.

Actually I solved that problem by putting the dragged & dropped fields in sub form.Now I am facing another problem.
My requirement is that I should display a pop up after clicking on a button.That pop up should load the details. For example the details may be manufactuere name & code from the database.
I am using web service as an interface.Please help me out.

Even I don't know whether is it possible to display the pop ups in live cycle designer.
I have searched so much in net but I didn't get any specific information.