I've created a multi-page weighted value self-audit form that uses radio buttons with export values 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, and NA. The calculation to sum the respective export values works correctly, and the resultant totals populate the scorecard on the Total side of the last page of the self-audit.
There are four columns in the scorecard: Total Possible, Total Raw, Total NA, and Total. My problem has two parts. First, I need a calculation script to subtract the Total NA from the Total Possible value, and then divide Total Raw by the subtraction result times 100, which should give me a percentage value in the Total field.
The second part is to take the Total field value, and based on the value of that number, place it in the respective field in the weighted portion of scorecard. For example, if the Total field percentage is greater than or equal to 1 and less or equal to 25, the Total field number will populate that field, or the 26 - 50 field, or the 51 - 75 field, or the 76 - 100 field, then that number will be multiply by the weight for that particular line.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Evaluates a set of values and/or expressions and returns the count of non-null elements contained within the given set.
So this should provide the ability to count for the 'N/A' option. Since you have designed the form you should know the total number of questions. You then need to use the subtraction operator in FormCalc.
The Scripting Reference also describes the 'if then else endif' statement.
George Kaiser