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Big challanges with xdp datafiles and pdf href

Registered: Feb 5 2008
Posts: 4

Hi All

I really hope this can be solved, because it is a big challange for us..

I am using the acrobat method: submitForm() to send formdata in an xdp with Outlook between users in alot of forms and simple workflows.

All my users have mapped an department S-drive, where they can start the forms. the challange is that when Adobe Reader wraps the data of the forms into an xdp datafil on send, it translates the S-drive path in 'pdf href' tag to a logical path, eg. \DC1234\apps\form\... this means that departments who do not have access to another department server cannot open the form/data!! If it could just keep the \S\form\.. in pdf href everything would work!

This is a very limmiting problem and means I cannot use the standard funvtionality as I see it... There must be someone in a similar situation.. and hopefully with a workaround or solution... work hard your clever brains ;)

/Thomas Gronbaek
Jyske Bank / Denmark

setup: LC Designer 7.1. Acrobat/Reader 7.07, Readers Extensions, Win Xp

My Product Information:
Reader 7.0.7, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
It would really be nice to have this feature. The submit form function has a "bExclFKey" parameter for excluding the file reference from an FDF. But it doesn't work for removeing the PDF tag in XDP. So currently there is no way to do it using the submit.

There is another way you can form the data that's sent in the submit form. You can use the XMLData object to literally clone the "Data" model from the XFA form and send it using , cSubmitAs:"XML" and the oXML argument. This way you have complete control over the contents of the submit.

The AcroForms "XMLData" object is what the XFA (LiveCycle) xml structure is built with. It's the same as the "node" class in the XFA Object Reference. The Acrobat JavaScript Referenece doesn't provide much documentation, but any methods or properties listed for the "node" object in the "Adobe XML Form Object Model Reference" will work with the XMLData object.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script