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Bindiing data question

Registered: Mar 27 2008
Posts: 76

I have a drop down list called.

In binding field I have smpld_by

In the value field there are userid's (ie SmithJ). In the Text Field of the Value box is the user name (ie John Smith)

when it is exported as xml data file, it is exporting SmithJ.

Is there a script command I can use to take the data from the Text field in the value box, as opposed to the Value.

Thank you.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
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If I understand you correctly, You want the "List Item" Display to be exported instead of the List Items value?

I don't think there is a way to tell a LiveCycle for to submit the Item Display instead of the value. Why not remove the values? If you are not exporting them then why have them there at all?

But if you do need them then you could always put a text field on the form that shows and exports the display value. This way, you'd export both.

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Registered: Mar 27 2008
Posts: 76

I was thinking of taking them out as well. However, while the other data isnt needed for the XML file to be imported to another system, it is required for the printed hard copy.

I will give your idea a try.