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Black Marks Sometimes Show/Print to Left of Radio Buttons

Registered: Sep 27 2007
Posts: 6

I am using LiveCycle Designer 8.0 in combination with Acrobat 8 Professional. I having been bringing in forms previously created in Acrobat, modifying them and saving them as Acrobat 8 Dynamic XML forms. Many of them have check boxes in the original form that really ought to be radio buttons since the choices are exclusive, so I have been changing them to radio buttons and adding them to exclusion groups.

I am experiencing an intermittant issue with the converted radio buttons. A black mark appears to the left of some (but not all) radio buttons when I go to preview mode. They are still there if I close the form in LiveCycle and open them up in Acrobat. They also appear on the hardcopy when I print the form from Acrobat. For the radio buttons that the marks appear near, the marks always appear. For the ones that don't, the marks never appear. I have looked at all the settings in the Object palette to see if I'm doing anything different and they seem to match. One thing I have noticed is that for the radio buttons with marks, I will see a yellow I bar to the left of them when in Design View in LiveCycle. I cannot select the I bar to delete/modify it.

Has anyone else seen this issue? Were you able to fix it and if so, how?

Cherie Hanechak

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Sep 27 2007
Posts: 6

I actually figured it out on my own. The "marks" I was seeing were actually the text from captions. It turns out that every object starts out with a caption that normally can be edited/deleted. For whatever reason, radio buttons have the default caption but it cannot be edited or deleted. I think this must be an oversight on Adobe's part -- hopefully they'll fix it in the next version. For now, what I do is start the radio button off as a check box, delete the caption for the check box, then change it to a radio button. The caption stays gone. No more "black marks."

Cherie Hanechak

Registered: Nov 1 2007
Posts: 151
CherieH wrote:
Hi,I actually figured it out on my own. The "marks" I was seeing were actually the text from captions. It turns out that every object starts out with a caption that normally can be edited/deleted. For whatever reason, radio buttons have the default caption but it cannot be edited or deleted. I think this must be an oversight on Adobe's part -- hopefully they'll fix it in the next version. For now, what I do is start the radio button off as a check box, delete the caption for the check box, then change it to a radio button. The caption stays gone. No more "black marks."
You should be able to remove the caption of any field by selecting 'None' from the Caption position option in the layout tab.