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Can somebody help me with reader rights?

Registered: Sep 9 2008
Posts: 40

Hello everyone,

I am working an a dynamic FORM (LCdesigner7) which is supposed to be transmetted as a pdf attached with a mailto: function.

Unfortunatly Partners using Reader are not able to do so because of the rigths.

I am looking for a helping hand who works with AcrobatPro or designer 8 that will accept to take my form and apply Extended From Rights to the PDF for me.

Thank you

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Sep 9 2008
Posts: 40
Hi Hdana,

Thanks for your help, unfortunately for me the Acrobat Pro 7 doesn't include this function. It works only since the 8th release.

I'll try with a HTML form instead.

Thank you and happy new year!