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Check Box - Don't want it or caption to print - How?

Registered: Apr 16 2010
Posts: 12

I've got a check box with a caption that I want visible on the screen, but I don't want any part of it to print - not the check, not the box, and not the caption.

Setting the Object to Visible (Screen Only) simple causes the check mark itself not to print - the box (empty) and caption still print.

If I change the object's script event to prePrint and xxxx.presence = "invisible";

it still prints...

How can have a "true" visible on screen only checkbox?



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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 16 2010
Posts: 12
Solved my own problem - prePrint script works, had to change form type to Dynamic XML .PDF form, works correctly now!
Registered: May 5 2010
Posts: 66

But if my object is dynamic, what should I do? I havea table whose row is popolated based on the xml file. I want to make the rightmost column invisible before printing.
