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Checkbox Interactivity

Registered: May 14 2010
Posts: 3

On a Live Cycle Designer form, I would like users to be able to mark a checkbox field and then have a section of the form required for fill in. For example, the user selects checkbox1 and the user is directed to an existing section on the form where he must be fill in required fields. If he selects checkbox 2, he is directed to another section, where, again, all fields are required. I understand static Live Cycle forms. I do not know if this is possible with a static form through the incorporation of JavaScript. If so, can someone please help me with the appropriate scripts. Thank you.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
You can control the mandatory property through scripting.
The easiest way is to put a script into the layout:ready event of the form object, that should be mandatory.

if (CheckBox1 == 1){this.mandatory = "error";}else{this.mandatory = "disabled";}

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs