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convert excel to pdf

Registered: Apr 24 2008
Posts: 45

Hi all

I haven’t could find any suggestion about my problem so i hope any of you could help me. I’m trying to convert an excel file to pdf dinamic form using livecycle but, when I try to add a subform or a table on it, these options are disabled showing this message “this type of object can not be used in PDF forms with illustrations” (i had to translate this message because I’m using spanish version, so it can not to be right). i also have tried to save this form as dynamic form, changing its properties to Dynamic XML Form and then trying to save it as Dynamic Form but I only can save it as static form. I have tried to find a solution but I haven’t found. Any suggestion about this problem?

Thanks in advance


Registered: Jun 13 2008
Posts: 14
Barthuin, you could convert an excel file to pdf but to make it dynamic you would need to program the fields individually for what you want them to do. I find the easiest way to do this is to simply recreate the file.