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Create in V8, using in V9 but the "Submit by email" doesn't work

Registered: May 25 2010
Posts: 2


I'm currenlty creating PDF documents in LiveCycle Designer 8, when I save it and open it in Adobe Reader 9 the "Submit by email" button doesn't work. I have changed the "Sumit to URL:" to mailto:myname@company?subject=subject. It works fine if I use Adobe Reader 8 but not everyone who uses the forms have Reader 8 on their computers.

If anyone can suggest a way to make it work in Reader 9 would be great.


Thanks for your help :)

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 4 2010
Posts: 31
ideally that should not happen, you should check the exact version of Reader 9, and ask users to upgrade to the latest patch.
submit URL should be "mailto:abc [at] xyz [dot] com"try it without the subject option first, and add the subject part later, once you get the basic mail popping up.

~~ S I D ~~

Registered: Oct 27 2008
Posts: 80
Have you extended Reader rights to it? If not, open it in Acrobat Pro and under 'Advanced' in the file menu, select 'Extend Features in Adobe Reader..."
I don't know enough about Reader 8 vs Reader 9, so don't know why it's even working with 8 if those rights haven't been extended, but I know for sure it will effect it in Reader 9.

Salix, Iowa

Registered: Jun 4 2010
Posts: 22
yes poregon is right. Extend the rights.
