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Data loss from forms with extended rights enabled

Registered: Jun 9 2009
Posts: 5

I have created a form in LiveCycle 8, have "Enabel Extended Form Rights" and re-saved it. When users of Acrobat Reader 7 open the form, fill in the data and save it, only some of the info is saved. Some of the fields retain data and some don't. The form seems to work ok with Reader 8 and 9 but upgrading to Reader 8 is not an option for my client... any ideas how to solve this? thanks

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
The lowest version of Reader that supports dynamic XML-forms is 6.0.2, so 7.x.x also also supports them.
But not all functions are supported.
To ensure your form is fully compatible version 7, you will have to set the target version under Form preperties - Defaults - Target version.
Then check your form again. In the report tab at the buttom of the LCD window you can see, if some functions of your form are incompatible with the target version.
If so, you have to redesign your form.

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Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You will also need to be aware that all features of FormCalc or JavaScript will [b]not[/b] work with a prior version or the will work [b]differently[/b] because of changes made to the Acrobat JSO by Adobe. So you may need to check that all the JSO features have not been added for version 9, had new security restrictions, or been depreciated by Adobe.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 9 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks for the responses! While these tips didn't solve my problem, they helped me understand more, so hopefully I'm closer.