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Display Pattern

Registered: Apr 10 2007
Posts: 7

We have a form created in LiveCycle Designer 8 with two fields that the user enters 10 numbers in one and 13 numbers in the other. These are ISBN numbers for books. We want to display them without number formatting (i.e., no commas).

We have tried using both numeric fields and decimal fields (with decimals set to 0) and the display pattern 999999.

Everything works fine in Reader and Pro 8. The fields display ten numbers without any commas. When the file is opened and completed in Reader 9 the commas are displayed.

Is there a way around this so that the fields will not display the commas in either version of Reader?

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 25 2009
Posts: 124
try to do it via javascript, instead of built in default patterns