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DropDownList Select Item from database

Registered: Sep 3 2008
Posts: 3


I am having problems using a drop down list to select a record from a Microsoft access 2007 database.

I can select the record when I initialize the database, but when I select a record name from the Dropdownlist it does not update to the new record choice.
I have tried this in the change event and exit event without success.
I think that the problem I am having is that the change event does not redo the search for the record. It works only in the initialize event. So how do I execute a new record lookup in the change event when I make the new drop down choice?

Thanks for any help,


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Live cycle does not automatically update anything having to do with a database. You have to write the code for this. Look up the functions for the "sourceset" object. Everyting is there that you need.

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