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Dynamic Table and inscrease the number in the columns

Registered: Sep 10 2008
Posts: 16

I have a table which has 3 columns: colum1 (text); colum2, and column3
column1- header: contact information;
column 2 - location(code in this field: this.parent.index + 1); and I set initial: 2
column 3 - location: automatically display Location 2
add button: code: _Table3.addInstance(1);
When I preview the form. The table is display is:
column1: text;
column2: location 1
column3: location 2
When I select add button the new table is display but column1: and column2: is not inscrease the number(the location number is the same). It should be
column1: location 3; column2: location 4.
For example: everytime I select the add button the location in the columns will be inscrease number. but my coding is not working well.
I need your help. I need I spent alot of time to figure out but I am not successful.

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
I'm not sure I understood you.
Do you want to add columns dynamically at runtime or do you mean rows?

For adding columns check out this article

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Sep 10 2008
Posts: 16
Do you know how to post the file in the forum?
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
The forums don't allow to attach files.
You have to use a file hoster like to share your form.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Sep 10 2008
Posts: 16
The sample form has been published. Please see the link below:


Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

for "Add Coloumns" use this FormCalc script
  1. Table3.HeaderRow._SCOL2.addInstance(1)
  2. Table3.Row1._SCOL2.addInstance(1)
  3. Table3.Row2._SCOL2.addInstance(1)
  4. Table3.Row3._SCOL2.addInstance(1)
  5. Table3.Row4._SCOL2.addInstance(1)
  6. Table3.Row5._SCOL2.addInstance(1)
  7. Table3.Row6._SCOL2.addInstance(1)
  8. Table3.Row7._SCOL2.addInstance(1)
  9. Table3.Row8._SCOL2.addInstance(1)
and for "Remove Columns" this
  1. var colCount = Table3.HeaderRow._SCOL2.count
  2. Table3.HeaderRow._SCOL2.removeInstance(colCount-1)
  3. Table3.Row1._SCOL2.removeInstance(colCount-1)
  4. Table3.Row2._SCOL2.removeInstance(colCount-1)
  5. Table3.Row3._SCOL2.removeInstance(colCount-1)
  6. Table3.Row4._SCOL2.removeInstance(colCount-1)
  7. Table3.Row5._SCOL2.removeInstance(colCount-1)
  8. Table3.Row6._SCOL2.removeInstance(colCount-1)
  9. Table3.Row7._SCOL2.removeInstance(colCount-1)
  10. Table3.Row8._SCOL2.removeInstance(colCount-1)

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Sep 10 2008
Posts: 16
after I add code from your coding to the add buttons. The columns have added furthur to the right and it cannot wrap the columns. Maybe I set the page is incorect?

I have added a code for adding a new table. when I click the add button, the location number in not be increased in the column 2 and column 3. Look like just copy information from current table.

Is my code is wrong?

Thanks for your help.