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Error message saying Reader 8 or 9 is needed, but 9 is on the machine?

Registered: Jul 7 2008
Posts: 49

LCD ES 8.2 created form yields this on another machine that has Acrobat 9 installed:

The Adobe/Reader that is running can no be used to view PDF files in a web browser. Adobe Acrobat/Reader version 8 or 9 is required. Please exit and try again.

The machine has been restarted several times and when the Acrobat/Reader prompt first came up saying that the form needed the new version, it also installed Adobe Air and (both are in the Add/Remove Programs).

My Product Information:
Reader 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Are there any other versions of Acrobat/Reader on that machine?

George Kaiser

Registered: Jul 7 2008
Posts: 49
yes there are. I tested on another machine that had Reader 8 (but no Acrobat) and was prompted to get 9, installed it and that one worked fine.

The first machine in question also has Acrobat 8 on it, is that the issue?