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Expand Form Field unto the Next Page

Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 32


I was wondering if there was a way to get an expandable text box to expand unto the next page if the information runs over. Right now, it just runs of the page and disappears. :'(

Is this possible? It would be great for printing all necessary information.

Thank you

Registered: Jun 3 2008
Posts: 232
I have done this on a dynamic form. The subform containing the field is FLOWED, and the ALLOW PAGE BREAKS WITHIN CONTENT box is checked. Then the field also has the ALLOW PAGE BREAKS WITHIN CONTENT box checked. This may be what you want to do.
You could also look at the subform's PAGINATION tab to see if any setting there will work for you.
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 32

It's the mysteries of Adobe Acrobat unveiled.

Just to clarify, you only get the option to click "Allow Page Breaks within Content" on whole page subforms. Each new page is a new subform, and when you click on that subform in the Hierarchy (To Open Hiearchy go to Window at the top of the screen, and the check "Hierarchy"), you can check the "Allow Page Breaks within Content". You don't have that option with subforms within a page, only on a WHOLE page.

It only took an extra few clicks for me to figure that out, but THANK YOU again. That really solves a lot of problems.