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Field data alignment

Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 25

I am new to LiveCycle designer. How do I get the data that the user enters into a field (numeric, text, date) to align vertically? So far for all my fields once I enter the data it is positioned near the top of the field box. I can still see the data I entered but the topmost part of the data is right against the top of the field and it makes it look amatuerish.
How do I get the data I enter to look the way I want to, i.e. centered vertically?

Douglas G. Larson

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 25
Some additional info. When I select the field in Design View the Align Vertical, Align Horizontal, indeed all the Align selections are greyed out. So I believe that those Align functions are about aligning the field within the form and not about aligning the data within the field.

Douglas G. Larson

Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 87
Try this:

Click the text field to adjust

From the Window Menu select Paragraph

A new palette appears and you can adjust the spacing above and below. You will need to adjust the spacing above.
Start with 2pt and check it in Preview View
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 25
Well, under the Window Menu I don't have a Paragrah item. I have only
New Window
Minimize All Windows
Spreadsheet Split
Full Screen Mode

and nothing else. I looked in a few other menu items thinking maybe paragraph was under one of them instead of Window but I was unable to find it, though I didn't look at every item, only about 4 of them.

Douglas G. Larson

Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 87
Not sure which version of LCD you are using but across the top you should have:

File Edit View Insert Layout Tools Window Help

What version are you using?
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 25
Accepted Answer
I have version

But I have since discovered that if I turn on Object Editor under the View menu, then the Window Menu contains many more entries, including the Paragraph item you mentioned. Thanks for your help.

Douglas G. Larson