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Fillable Form User Field "Hints"

Registered: Apr 28 2009
Posts: 16

I apologize in advance for my "newbie" status! I have literally 5 days experience working with LiveCycle Designer ES but I've found it pretty user friendly. I've developed a 10 page fillable form but want to add "for example" hints to text fields that either show up in the field upon entry and are typed over or appear when they hover with the mouse pointer. Because these fields can have multiple and variable data responses, I am not using a drop-down or list box. I found the comment tools but I don't believe that is what I'm searching for.

Thank you in advance for any assistance!

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 3 2008
Posts: 232
You can add a Tooltip on the Accessibility tab. To open the Accessibility tab, go to Window > Accessibility. Then the tab will be in the pane on the right. Type your "hint" in the box.To enter Default text, go to the Value tab and type in the Default box. Make sure the box above is set to User Enter - Optional. The text can be deleted and new text entered by the form user.
Registered: Apr 28 2009
Posts: 16
Thank you so much - such a simple thing and I couldn't find it! It works great.
Registered: Apr 28 2009
Posts: 16
One more question - if I were to use the Default text for tips/hints is there a way to remove the tip "upon entry" to the field. I'm afraid some users will see default text there and just leave it and not answer the question properly. Many thanks!