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Fill/email LiveCycle forms in Reader?

Registered: Mar 29 2010
Posts: 3

Can anyone tell me if this is at all possible?

I have created a fillable form in LiveCycle.

My clients will only have Reader.

I want them to receive the form by email from me, fill it in in Reader and then email it out to their potential customers.

Basicially the form I am making is off a PDF with live fields added on in LC. My clients will fill in their business/contact information and then use this form to try and sell our company product. So they DO NOT email this form back to me, they email to various customers and potential business clients.

I have been trying to work this out for a few weeks now, and can't seem to figure out how the recipients can email this form in Reader. I can get it to open and fill out, but it won't email out, as I don't want this form emailed back to me.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Yes, this can be done. First you'll need a script for sending form by email using email addresses entered on the form.
Read this Article:

In it you'll find a link to another article on exactly this topic. But read this article first.

Next, in order for you users, and thier users to be able to email the entire form, the PDF will need to be Reader Enabled for Save. In Acrobat Pro 8 this option is on the "Advanced Menu"

Thom Parker
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Registered: Mar 29 2010
Posts: 3
I don't think this is quite the answer I am looking for. I looked at the tutorial, maybe I am in way over my head. This is the first form I have ever created, so I'm quite new to this. Someone did tell me that I had to make my PDF "reader enabled", but as for needing a script. I guess I don't understand what a script is or where to put it or how to include it for that matter.

My situation is a little different here because I can't add the email addresses on the form. There will be various businesses accessing this form (these addresses will always be changing), they will fill it out and then send it to various companies. I will never have knowledge of the email addresses they will send to, nor can I keep track of the people accessing this form.

Now that I have explained it a little more in detail, do you think there is still a way to do it? I did make a form and email it out to test, but the receiver could not fill it out or send it by email to someone else. I am thinking that maybe you cannot do this.
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Yes, I know exactly what you are asking for and the answer is in the articles. The article I provided the link too is all the general concept of submitting/emailing forms.

In that article is a link to an article on setting the email address dynamically, and it has an example file that shows exactly how to do it.

And this is the bit that requires a script. Dynamically setting an email address is a custom activity. All custom behaviors require a script of some kind.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script