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Flowing onto Multiple Pages???

Registered: Jan 29 2008
Posts: 17

I have 2 different masterpages, both with content areas.
The first page of the form has some regular fields and one expandable textfield with page breaks allowed.

Since the expandable textfield can be as long as the user enters data in it, I need it to expand on various pages, that all look like masterpage 2. Problem is that the textfield WILL expand onto the second (master)page, but when more data is entered, the textfield WON'T expand onto a third, fourth, fifth etc. page... (that has the same layout as the second masterpage)

I've read a lot of articles on this forum and I checked the help, but I can't seem to find the anwser... Does anyone know how to fix this?

Thx in advance...


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Mar 7 2008
Posts: 14
Check "Restrict Page Occurrence" option of your 2nd Master page. This needs to be checked.
"Restrict Page Occurrence" of the 1st Master page needs to be checked with Max = 1.

The option is located in the Tab "Master page". There also more options available in this Tab and "Pagination" tab.
