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form not going to multiple pages

Registered: Nov 12 2008
Posts: 6

The boss designed a form with expandable text fields. when they expand they push fields below them off the page and the form does not "roll over" or expand to a page 2, the lower fields " disappear" below the " horizon". I think I'm missing a check box or switch some where.

thanks for your help


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Try setting the subform on which the expanding text fields are placed to "Flow Content".

Registered: Nov 12 2008
Posts: 6
had already set to flowed,
the field expand as needed,
all the Subforms below and within the larger flowed subform movedown nicely and right off the page.
Somehow the form is set to be only one / first page and not automatically flow to page 2.
Registered: Dec 9 2008
Posts: 1
I am having this same problem. My form is 1 page and ends with 3 text fields that can vary in length of text depending on the input. I have managed to get them to expand depending on the length of text but no matter what options I choose I cannot get the form to expand onto the second page when the input of text is greater than page 1 will hold. I chose "flow" "top to bottom" "page breaks"...I have tried multiple/various combination of options with the "overflow" to second page, second content area...I have tried various subforms inside other subforms. AHHHG!

This can't be that hard, can it?
Registered: Jun 7 2009
Posts: 11
davepenn wrote:
had already set to flowed,
the field expand as needed,
all the Subforms below and within the larger flowed subform movedown nicely and right off the page.
Somehow the form is set to be only one / first page and not automatically flow to page 2.
Is there an answer to this question somewhere? I am having this problem and can not find an answer. My text will run off the page and not automatically create a second page. It is dynamic and the main subform is flowed.

Thanks; John
Registered: May 11 2009
Posts: 12
Good Afternoon Everyone,
It is good to see I am not the only one with this problem. I have multiple expandable fields on the first page making it even more fun, but the fields do disappear off the first page as you all mentioned. Hopefully someone comes to our aid!
Registered: Jun 7 2009
Posts: 11
I have done something that works, but it always prints 2 pages even if you do not have data on the second one. I will play with it some more then post something back on here in a couple of days. (I have some other stuff that I need to get done before I can get back to this)

Thanks: John
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
It sounds like "Allow Page Breaks within Content" isn't checked.

This needs to be set on the flowed subform and on the fields you want to break.
Registered: May 11 2009
Posts: 12
Good day to all and thank you. After viewing a working model provided by another user I saw that it was an error in the heirarchy structure that was causing the problem. I had to keep moving each successive expandable text field (there were 4) as a subset of the previous item which was all contained within one subform. Apparently the order in which you place items on to the form page can limit your options with making items subset of others, especially other subforms.

The big question is can I repeat it, I sure hope so!
Registered: Jun 7 2009
Posts: 11
The heirarchy is where I found my problem at also. I still have one blank page behind my first page of content, if the form does not overflow.

Thanks; John