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Formatting fields

Registered: Jan 6 2009
Posts: 4

When I test my form and type data into the form using Acrobat Reader 9, my entry hangs really high in certain fields and does not display the full height of the character. Increasing the height of the field only helps a little and still the entry hangs high with empty field space (colored) underneath it. Other times, text is cut off at its knees. It looks sloppy.

I have gone through the palettes and don't see where I can change this behavior. My margins on the field are set to 0 in. I am using the Reader at 100% magnification.

Context: I took a Word document and converted it to LCD PDF. The fields that were automatically converted are OK. The text fields that I had to manually insert have the problem. Also several of those fields are global, auto-fill fields -- in case that makes a difference.

Using LCD 8.0

Thanks for your help.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jan 6 2009
Posts: 4
The problem fields were fields that I added after the conversion. They were dragged from the objects palette.

Going to Window / Font brought down the font palette. There I discovered that the default font for *added fields* was Myriad Pro with a baseline shift of 3 pt. But the font for *converted fields* was Courier with baseline shift of 0 pt.

It was the baseline shift that was cutting off my entered text.