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FormCalc issue when calculating percents

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202


I've got a problem with some percent calculation in a form.

The following script always causes an error message when opening the form.
But the script for the field "success" works as I want it to.

round(100 / Form1.Page1.Body.Counters1.SUM1 * Form1.Page1.Body.Counters2.SUM2, 2)

The error message is german, so i try to translate it:
Script failed: (Language is FormCalc; Context is xfaform[0]...Form1.Page1.Body.Success
Script is: round(100 / Form1.Page1.Body.Counters1.SUM1 * Form1.Page1.Body.Counters2.SUM2, 2)
Error: Arithmetic Over-/Underrun

I found nothing about this error on adobe's websites, FormCalc manuals or google, that was helpful.
Is there a way to hide the error message or even a solution for the error itself?

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
What is the value of Sum1?

Now, what is the value of 100 or any number divided by zero?

You need to preform a logical test for a zero value and then decide how to handle that situation.

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

thanks for your hint gkaiseril!
The values auf SUM1 and SUM2 can be any number the user type in.
SUM1 is the whole amount of done phone calls for example and SUM2 the number of calls that has been successfully solved.

The field "Success" is to calculate the ratio of successfully calls.
A simple calculation I think.
And for 100 / 0 * 0 the result is 0 and should not cause an error like this.

Anyway, I have replaced the FormCalc-Script with JavaScript, that works in the same way, but without any error.

var SUM1 = Form1.Page1.Body.Counters1.SUM1 .rawValue;
var SUM2 = Form1.Page1.Body.Counters2.SUM2 .rawValue;

event.value = (100 / SUM1) * SUM2;


LoveCycle Blog
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LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Overflow/underflow refers to computing a value too large or small for the language/computer to process. In the past, this type of calculation would send the arithmetic control units into an infinite loop which required a hard shutdown and restart.

I would expect you really need to use an "if" statement to make sure you do not have a zero value for SUM1. Just for good coding practices because other languages may not work like JavaScipt in LiveCycle Designer.

var SUM1 = Form1.Page1.Body.Counters1.SUM1 .rawValue;
var SUM2 = Form1.Page1.Body.Counters2.SUM2 .rawValue;

if(SUM1 != 0) {
event.value = (100 / SUM1) * SUM2;;
} else {
event.value = '';

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

that makes sense.
Thanks for your explanation!

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs