I have a date field (DateStart) - I need a second field to calculate 18 months from that date, so here's the script I'm using
if(HasValue(DateStart)) then
Num2Date( (Date2Num(DateStart.formattedValue, "MMM DD, YYYY") + 548), "MMM DD, YYYY")
This works fine if my DateStart is any day of the month EXCEPT the 1st thru the 9th. But if I choose a date from the 1st thru the 9th of any future month - then the date returned by this script goes funky - and returns July 02, 1901. Then returns to functioning normal from the 10th onward....until I get to the 1st thru the 9th of the next month.
Thanks (again) Radzmar - but I still don't know what my problem was with my script - it's as if it recognizes no date if it's from the 1st through the 9th.
Salix, Iowa