Now I'm not sure if LiveCycle or Acrobat 8.x (I've posted this question in both - so forgive me for that), is the best way of going about this - but I'd welcome any ideas:
I've got a pile of forms here many of which have common sections. So in order to cut-down the number of forms here's the plan.
Create a MASTER - a section that's common to ALL forms.
Create each section that's unique to each form.
1) Now when a User opens the MASTER section, completes that.
2) From a drop-down menu selects the typer of form they want.
3) Then that section appears - User completes that.
4) You might have another section from that.............etc etc. If this makes sense.
So, you might have in one situation:
Office - PC - Hardware - Fail
or if it's a Software prob:
Office, Software, Windows, Reinstall
So when that form's complete it'll print out as ONE form containing the appropriate sections.
Any ideas??? Thanks, Al
[bg=red]Business Forms Designer[/]