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Forms / Datastoring

Registered: Mar 10 2008
Posts: 2

I am very new to the LiveCycle application - however see it for a function that I would like to create.

Working with automotive dealerships - would like to build something that allows dealers to 'pre-fill out' an inspection form for an appointment - so it would contain name, address, phone, etc and generate a unique code on the inspection. Then it could include the customer email address and it would email them an electronic form, along with specials or other information on the dealership - setting the expectations of the experience.

Then there would be a unique code produced that would allow the customer to pull up the inspection to view the results.

This would mean storing the data in a database of some sort and also to generate a unique code for each time the form is called upon.

Is something like this a huge undertaking of could it be done somewhat straight forward? Thoughts?


Shawn Ryder
Vice President
E-mail: shawn [dot] ryder [at] autouniversity [dot] com

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Yes, it can be a huge undertaking. In any case, setting up a custom system of server side data handling is a big thing. How big, depends a great deal on the approach. Building it all yourself from scratch is huge. Puchasing services from a company that offers a somewhat canned solution is much cheaper and easier, but you may not get everything you want.

These companies range from building full custom solutions to offering services and products that provide a starting point or piece of the solution. Here's a short list,,,,, But there are many more.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script