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grandTotal for multiple pages - very desperate

Registered: Jan 14 2009
Posts: 2

I have a multiple page report for our church in livecycle using formcalc. I have a subtotal on each page.

the formula for the subtotal is:
----- SCRIP.Page2.Table1.Row1[0].Amount2::calculate: - (FormCalc, client) --------------------------


the name in the binding for this is on page1= Amount1

so for the grandTotal my formula is

sum(Page1.Amount1, Page2.Amount2, Page3.Amount3)

this is the error I receive: error accessor 'Page1.Amount1' is unknown

can anybody please tell me what I am doing wrong... I have been trying to find the answer by reading thru some of the questions but not finding the answer and I have been working on this for weeks and need it in to our church. thanks for all and any help.

the hierarchy shows Page1 and Amount1



My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
Could it be that the captitol P needs to be lowercase?


I don't know FormCalc well so this is a guess.
