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Hiding ugly button rectangular button cursor

Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230

This is also about my tabulated form which I mentioned in a previous post.

The tabs at the top of my form are set to have boundaries with rounded corners - to better simulate the look of a tabulated document. But when you click on a given tab, the cursor is displayed as a large square and ruins the look/simulation effect.

Is there a way to hide that cursor appearence when you click on a button? I've tried all options, including 'None' in the Object/Field tab, but it makes no difference.

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
If you use rectangles with rounded corners, you can's use a script like
rectangle1.border.fill.color.value = "233,233,233"
because rectangles do not use the parameter "border".
If you trying to change the color thru this script, the rounded corners get lost and you have a squared rectangle.

To change the color for rectangles, the script should look like.
rectangle1.value.rectangle.fill.color.value = "233,233,233"
On your other post, I added an example form, that shows how it works.

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Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs