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How to add a continuation page?

Registered: Aug 13 2009
Posts: 10

Hi all,

I am new to Livecycle Designer. I am using LCD 8.2. Need some help for adding a continuation page to my form.
I have created a subform(Main Subform) with some text fields, a table and a check box. If I click the check box I must be able to add a another page, with just the table at the end of the form.

I tried doing it by creating a hidden subform with the table and a check box. And made it(hidden subform) visible when I check the check box in the Main Subform. But this only makes the hidden subform appear once. I want the new subform to be able to add as many times as I check the check box in the main subform.

Can any one please help me with this.



My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Aug 11 2009
Posts: 57

I'm not sure I quite understand your scenario. Is it possible to post your form?

When the check box is checked, do you want to add rows to the table and see the table flow to a new page when there isn't enough space on the current page? Or do you want to insert a new page with some content and push the table on the last page?

Registered: Aug 13 2009
Posts: 10
Sorry I cannot post the form.

Neither I want to add rows to the table nor push the table on to last page, I want a whole new page to appear at the end of the form when the check box is checked.


Registered: Aug 11 2009
Posts: 57
Hello Archana,

Let's see. Can you try the following and let me know if it's close to the scenario you are looking for?

1. The form already has a Main subform (I assume this is a page). Create a new page and name it 'Continued'.
2. Keep the Continued page selected and go to the Object palette, Binding tab. Check the 'Repeat Subform for Each Data Item' option. Check the Min Count option and type 0 in the edit box.
3. Copy the table from the Main subform to the Continued page.
4. Add a button to the Main subform.
5. Keep the button selected and go to the Script Editor. Type the following script:

6. Preview the form. The continued page will be added every time you click the button. Make sure the form is saved as a Dynamic XML Form.

I prefer to use a button instead of a check box. The check box has an on/off state which is easily associated to an on/off action like show/hide.

Let me now how it goes,

Registered: Aug 13 2009
Posts: 10
Hello Helene,

Thanks a lot for the help. This is exactly what I wanted.


Registered: Aug 11 2009
Posts: 57

Now keep the data in mind. The structure added to the form i.e. the continuation page + table, will affect the structure of your data. You may have to tweak things a bit along the way.

Good luck,