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How-To Inserting Design Form into PDF so User Opens and sees, fills in

Registered: May 28 2007
Posts: 3

Okay, this is my first, but probably not my last attempt to glean your knowledge. I've been stumpped (and this is probably completely stupid to ask) the heck do I get the form I designed (drop down lists, list boxes, blank add comments, user required fields, validation, field limits, assign numbers to answers, etc.) inserted/actually working as part of another .PDF, I have been poking around for days and I've stumbled around and learned quite a bit....Unfortunately, there is that basic foundation and stumbling block I can't seem to figure out.

I have a .PDF (let's call it A) and I have a form I created in Design (let's call it B - btw, I saved it as a .PDF doc)...I want B to be in front of A in one file and I want the user to open the AB file and I want B to run (with the A portion protected until the form (B) is filled out and submitted either by e-mail - or possibly print)...

So, I've got these two documents and now I'm at a complete LOSS!

Please help. I've searched the net and I can't seem to find the 'right' answer. I find things that make vague references, I find articles that cover other specific issues, but nothing that seems to answer the put B into slot Z to make XYP happen.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You will have to export your InDesign form to PDF and then use Acrobat's Form Tool, not LiveCycle Designer, to add the necessary form fields to you PDF form. Now you can insert your PDF Form into your PDF. You will have to Extend Reader Rights so you users with Reader will be able to save and e-mail the PDFs. You should realize that e-mail is not secure for transmitting personal data and might want to look at alternative methods of gathering data entered into PDFs.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 28 2007
Posts: 3
okay, maybe I'm missing something in the 'big picture'. I created the form in Adobe Designer, exported to a .PDF and when I went to insert into my PDF file, I rec'd the message that I needed to attach the file. I did so, but when I sent it to someone - it did not show up at all. When I opened it myself, it just shows as an attachment.

Is there some very basic exact walk through on this process that I can reference somewhere?

I have filled out and seen this done by other companies so I know it can be done, I just don't know how to do it myself.

If you feel there is a better way, please, I am open to suggestions. My requirements are these:

1. User must fill out form before gaining access to the .PDF file which is a product presentation.
2. User must send back data from form.
3. Limitation is put on access (no printing or copying of data/product presentation contents).
4. The form must be customized to reflect the branding of the company.

Ideally, I want to make an e-catalog flipping page type presentation with the form the first thing the user experiences.

I would rather do this myself so I can learn how it is done, but I am not opposed to outsourcing this project so it can be completed more quickly...also, there is the "give a man a fish, he eats once, teach him to fish and he can feed himself" theory...

Thanks in advance for any advice or assistance!
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
LiveCycle Designer creates an XML document and adds just enough PDF structure to allow Acrobat and Reader version 6 and above to open the form, but it is not a PDF document and it can not be inserted into a PDF document.

You must use Acrobat's Form Tool to create your form which can be inserted into a PDF.

You might be able to import your PDF into LiveCycle Designer and then build your LiveCycle Designer form.

George Kaiser