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How to obtain data from one form AND THEN read from another form

Registered: Sep 20 2007
Posts: 20

I have created a form using LifeCycle Designer.

I have made the form available on my web site, and have gathered a lot of data.

I want to create a NEW form to read selected portions of the data.

So here is what I have done:

1. I exported the form-data in CSV format.
2. I created the new form to read portions of the CSV data.


When I tried to IMPORT the CSV data, I was offerred on the option to import XML files.

I do not anything about XML files.

Why can't I import the CSV data?

Can anyone help?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 17 2009
Posts: 22
Bottom line is that livecycle just doesn't do CSV. You will also find that XML is quite a pain if you go down that track. You only have two real options; 1) Forget about loading in data or 2) link the form to a properly constructed database.
I spent weeks attempting to link XML to my form and in the end gave up. The loads kept failing.
Have you considered the use of extensive drop down lists. The data can be manually loaded via the XML window in Livecycle cutting down the initial typing time significantly.
Registered: Sep 20 2007
Posts: 20
Thanks for your input. I am wondering why Adobe has created a means of collecting lots data without also providing an easy means of using that data. I think I'm missing something very basic here.

I cannot use many dropdown lists because of the nature of the data.

As for linking to a properly constructed database, can you lead me to that next step? What kind of database, and where can I read more about it?

Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230
Hi bobnelms, I'll be watching this post with interest to see if anyone can assist. I've asked a similar question a couple of different ways before and when searching for answers, many others have too. These are usually the posts that go unanswered, so it suggests that there is no easy way.

But, here's hoping I'm wrong.

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia

Registered: Sep 20 2007
Posts: 20
hello petafrom0z,

I'm wondering whether anyone has ever gone to Adobe for their paid tech support and asked this question -- I'm sure someone has. I wonder why this isn't a FAQ. I wonder a lot.

Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230
haha... wondering is good. There's another place that might be worth a look. I don't find it as effective as this, but occasionally it can fill some gaps. It's an Adobe site...
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\LiveCycle Café\LiveCycle Café.exe"

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia