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How to read the Dynamic XML PFD-form I created?

Registered: Mar 30 2009
Posts: 37


This program is perfect to create pdf-forms, but now the dynamic xml-form is almost ready, another problem surfaces.

I wrote my form for our service-department.

When it's emailed to them, they only receive a mail with an xml-file in it, and since they are technicians and no IT-ers, they have a lot of trouble to read the fields that are filled in.

How can I fix it that :

- they can load the send information in the original form I created?

- the customer who fills in the form, can email the full form (so the filled-in pdf-file) to us?

Maybe there are more possibilities, but these are the most obvious I could think about.

Thanks again for you help. Really like this forum and the program!

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Hi Francis,

to submit the form as PDF just select the mail button and then change from the design view to xml source.

Look for the line

and change it into


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Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs