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I think I made a game...

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136

I was making a credit application for the parts department and I felt compelled to make something, and one thing lead to another and I have a level of a game created.

Its very simple but it works...

Has anyone ever done this before?

If you want to look into the guts of the form go here..

Right click and hit save as then load it up in Livecycle.

TestApp2 is still in early alpha have to finish drawing out the regeneration script that stage is more complicated then App.

I say the build time is 5 hours for app 1,
app 2 shivers...

What do y'all think?

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi dk3dknight,

Nice one- simple but fun. I crashed a few times before I made it through :) FYI, the crash dialog has a couple spelling errors (opps and your).

Thanks for sharing,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
I always wanted to say thank you, but I started to get hit with some deadlines for new projects and never got around to it.

Thank you for your support, I think im going to continue this endeavor, im giving up on app2 I let it get too complicated to a point that creating reset scripts would be near excessive, im restarting by taking everything I learned and making some templates so its easier to create new ones...

In retrospect Ive decided its wiser to start the design with rectangle shapes to get the idea where obstacles will be placed..

Instead of giving unique names to each obstacle ive moved to a system of instances.. and simply target the obstacles by instance which reduces redundant work.

Ive also added a perpectual scoring system so instead of getting to the end and getting you won, instead you will point reward and have the chance to do the maze again with all the points from your last run to get a even higher score.

Previously the scoring system used in the original app was broken and instead was written using a system like this Score = 5, and the next will say Score = 10.. etc

Ive moved it to a new system of Score = Score + 5 as a mouse enter event thus allowing me to reuse the score bars without readjusting that part of the code. Further more they are now managed by instances and have a code in them to vanish after mouse enter event occurs through each has to be set to target the specific instance.

What happens in the new system it takes the previous score whatever it is, and adds 5 points to it which allows me to make more advanced mazes without worry about the player skipping a score gate.

Ive attempted to keep it well enough documented hopefully in the future others will create pdf mazes and maybe more advanced games..

Alus I would love to thank everyone who has given me support on this project on this forum and many others, and specially Dimitri, it will probably be awhile before I get the template finished, but when I do I will add it to this thread.

Thanks Again.

Chris Cantrell,
Evil form designer
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Well, I have some other PDF-Games, that have been made with AcroTex and Acrobat 4.0 years before.

So, you're not the fist one who did this.
But hey, you also did a great job!

Several Jeopardy Games

More Games like Tic Tac Toe, Naval Battle or Puzzle

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
I guess that just means I need to work 100% harder, I think it would be interesting to see gaming continue to grow on the pdf platform..