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If Radio Butonn is on, allow user to select from a set of checkboxes

Registered: May 21 2010
Posts: 6

Thanks for the help so far from this forum. I am new to LiveCycle.

I have a set of 3 Radio Buttons that represent categories of projects. When one of the radio buttons is on, I want the user to only be able to choose from a set of checkboxes representing sub-categories of the selected category.

I have tried placing a calculate script on each subcategory such as:
if (Cat_1_RadioBtn.rawValue == 1 || Cat_3_RadioBtn.rawValue==1) then

SubCat_2a_ChckBox.rawValue = 0; // If Category 1 or 3 is checked then a subcategory of Category 2 cannot be checked.


SubCat_2a_ChckBox.rawValue >= 0; // If Cat 1 or 3 is not check then Cat 2 is checked and the user can select from several subcategories of Cat 2.


I have had issue with this when Category 2 is on, I still cannot check SubCat_2a. Is there a way to set the rawValue to "user selection"?

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
The '>=' operator is not a set operator but a comparison operator like the '==' operator.SubCat_2a_ChckBox.rawValue >= 0;
Will result in a value of true or false and nothing else.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 21 2010
Posts: 6
Thanks. This appears to be the issue. I haven't been able to find a way to do my else statement so that the user can select on (1) OR off (0). Any suggestions?