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Invalid enumerated value: indexChange

Registered: May 8 2007
Posts: 10

I'm getting an error when I use a form in Reader 7. The form was created with LC 8 and includes a table which can have additional last rows added to it dynamically.

When the form first loads I get an "Invalid enumerated value: indexChange" message and then when I click the button to add a row I get a similar error message which also states "Error: Invalid property get operation; subform doesn't have a default property" It seems to be triggered by the addInstance method of the instanceManager.

Any help is much appreciated.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
It sounds like you have a counter somewhere that does not agree with the actual rows. Acrobat and LiveCycle start counting at zero not 1.

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 1 2007
Posts: 151
I have exactly the same problem. How do I resolve this counter problem of which you speak?

Annoyingly enough Reader 7.0 allows the user to create and delete rows but it gives them that error message each time.

The only workaround I can think of is to abandon the table option and try to recreate it using subforms.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
The deletion of rows is confusing Acrobat/Reader. You will need to refreash the information about the size of the table after you delete a row.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jul 17 2008
Posts: 53
How do you refresh the table to reset the indexes after adding rows dynamically?
Registered: Apr 28 2009
Posts: 13
I had this problem with a few forms I just created. It seemed when I ran the forms on a test machine running reader 7, I'd get errors:

"Invalid enumerated value: indexChange the fault occurred on line 4998"

I also noticed the tables I was using had alternating colors for each row. But with the error above it was only giving me grey rows as I hit the "add row" button.

So I replaced the tables with ones that did not alternate shading in each row, the errors went away.

Just something note if you are using alternate shading on your table rows.