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invisible text on a static form

Registered: May 24 2010
Posts: 29

Using LiveCycle Designer ES2 9.0 on Windows.

Have a form that must remain static (not dynamic), and cannot get text labels to go invisible. I can get text fields to go invisible (based on selection of a radio group), but the caption remains visible no matter what. I have tried setting no caption and using a text box, but that always remains visible as well.

Any clues? I am assuming that with static forms you cannot set a caption or "text" as invisible. I have tried "hidden" as well as "invisible", no luck. Have tried both FormCalc and Java - same result. Example below in FormCalc

Two objects:

"Choice" as a radio group with Yes and No as options
"ChoiceReason" as a Textfield for a user to input a reason for selecting "Yes"

form1.Page1.ChoiceReason.presence = "invisible"

form1.Page1.ChoiceReason.presence = "visible"

The input section of ChoiceReason will become invisible if select No, but its caption remains visible.

Any help is appreciated.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 4 2010
Posts: 31
go to form properties and make sure that though the form is static, but it should be interactive.

these settings would be in DEFAULT and PREVIEW sections in FILE > Form PROPERTIES

~~ S I D ~~

Registered: May 24 2010
Posts: 29
Thanks -

I am already set to "interactive form" in PREVIEW. DEFAULT has no setting for interactive. Maybe a difference in version 9.0?

Captions and radio buttons still remain "visible" even when you turn the page "invisible"...