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Issue: Filled subform hidden when form reopened

Registered: Aug 20 2009
Posts: 32


Maybe someone knows solution of this problem.

My form has subform which is hidden unless the checkbox is checked . To achieve this effect I used following code for my checkbox. (For click event)

----- form1.#subform[0].Basic.Row1[1].conference::click: - (JavaScript, client) --------------------

if (conference.rawValue==1)

conferenceform.presence = "visible";


conferenceform.presence = "hidden";

It works but when I submit this form or reopen it, filled subform is hidden (but checkbox is still checked). I can view it after I uncheck and again check checkbox.
It should be visible after reopened.

Can anyone help? Maybe different type of event?

Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230
I really don't know if this is enough to fix your problem, but it appears to me that you've got some syntax problems there. I think you need some curly brackets, like this below...

if (conference.rawValue==1)
conferenceform.presence = "visible";
conferenceform.presence = "hidden";

You might also be better off using the 'mouse down' event. I must admit I'm clutching at straws a bit there, but sometimes, it's those tiny things that make a difference. The Gurus of this site may disagree with me, but it could be worth a try.

Hope it works, Peta

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia

Registered: Aug 20 2009
Posts: 32
Wow it worked!!

Thank you so much. I was afraid that I will have to change it completely.