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Link to catalog image

Registered: Feb 2 2010
Posts: 5

I am new to LiveCycle Designer and I'm not sure this is even possible. I want to create a form where you can click on the description of the item (text field) and that would like to a picture of the item. Any suggestions? I've tried the help and it's talking about scripting, which is not something I'm familiar with.


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Bob Casey
Registered: Aug 5 2009
Posts: 22
Hello Strisler

Hopefully this will work for you

Upload your image, and set your image field to "Invisible" in the object pane

Set your JavaScript to FormCalc

Click on the textfield and enter the following javascript as it would apply

If you want the image to appear as you rollover your mouse over the description with your mouse, enter the following javascipt at mouseEnter, or if you want the image to appear on click enter the following javascript on enter


To make the image disappear when the mouse exits
enter the following javascript on mouseExit

Registered: Feb 2 2010
Posts: 5
Thank you for this information. Unfortunately, I got this error:
Script failed (language is formcalc; context is xfa[0].form[0].#subfomr[0].FidelHat{0})script=),age1/resemce="visible", Error: syntax error near token',' on line 1, column 2.

Any other suggestion?

Thank you again!