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Linking data from repeating subforms in a table with repeating rows

Registered: Aug 29 2008
Posts: 6

Hi guys! I think I am getting in over my head with all this. I am developing a form where a client can record receipt details. I am using a subform for this. They had a new version of the subform for each receipt they enter.

I then want to create a table where the following happens:

1. When they create a new subform, a new row is added.
2. Data entered into the new subform is summarised in the new row.

I can usually puzzle these things out, but I think that this is beyond me.

Thanks in advance.


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Have you watched this video?

It shows how to create and control repeated sub forms. A table is just a hierarchical set of subforms. You can set them up to be repeatable just like a regular subform.

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