Here is my scenario..
I have a list box with Allow multiply selections checked.
Is it possible whatever selections user select to show up into another field?
I try to use on Change event the script:
var sNewValue = this.boundItem(xfa.event.newText);
TextField1.rawValue = sNewValue;
but does not work if user select more than one items from the list box.
i created a list box with 6 different numbers in it named it GT
then created a text field named NT
under NT I added the code for click (just for test purposes)
var yogi = (xfa.form.form1.hg.GT.rawValue)
NT.caption.value.text = (yogi)
when you select two number it will list them but not summed so Now insert the variable to instead sum GT and should work
Ill test tommorow I have to head home