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LiveCycle Designer Help with Submit by Email Button

Registered: Apr 2 2009
Posts: 3

Good Day All,

I recently created a form through excel converted it to Adobe PDF and then tried to create a button however the submit button I created would not work on Adobe Reader for some reason so I decided to go ahead and use LiveCycle to create a standard form from there but when I created the form and hit "SubmitByEmail" it sent an xml document I went to the xml source and changed it to send as a pdf but when I try and use the "submitbyemail" in adobe reader nothing happens. As a heads up the button works when I want to send it as an xml but not as a pdf. Also when trying to use my form from adobe reader it says it is not allowed (now the security on my end is saved to allow all) but when it gets to adobe reader the security changes not to allow anyone to send populated forms. Answers to either problem will suffice I would just like to have the capability of having this form emailed to me rather than printed.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 11 2009
Posts: 12
This link has a step by step how to correct the problem you describe. The very short version is make sure your save button type is regular for the "SaveAs" and the button type for the e-mail is submit and on the submit tab in the URL you follow the convention (exclude quotes) "mailto:name [at] domain [dot] com" You can add more names by using a semi-colon after the first address, then a space and the new e-mail address. Close the form in Live Cycle. Open it in Acrobat, go to Advanced on the menu and choose Enable rights for Reader users. Save it under a new name. Close Acrobat and LiveCycle, open the form with reader and then it should work. I strongly recommend watching the video on your browser, pausing it as you go and tweaking your file along with them,Check this video out: