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Livecycle removes calculation created in Acrobat

Tricia Ho
Registered: Feb 2 2009
Posts: 5

Hi all,

I've created a form in Acrobat with a sum field to calculate the total amount. I brought that form into Livecycle to include a Date field, as Acrobat doesn't handle Dates as well.

After opening the file in Lifecycle, I noticed that the Total Amount field isn't functioning anymore. I tried opening it in Acrobat to reapply that function but it only allows me to open it in Lifecycle.

I'm not much of a coding person and I really prefer Acrobat's simple approach to calculating totals in a form.

What's the best workflow to create a form with a Total Amount field with a Date field that doesn't involve much coding?

I hope some experts in this forum can provide some suggestions.


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
What is it that you like about the date field in Designer?

FWIW, in Acrobat I usually use combo boxes for the day, month, and year for dates, and add a bit of code to check if it's a valid date.

Tricia Ho
Registered: Feb 2 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks for your very prompt reply. What I like about the dates in designer is "drop down" calendar. Unfortunately, Acrobat doesn't seem to have that option.